Free Fridge Salem was introduced to the Salem/Keizer area during the fires of 2019. The smoked rolled into the area and a bunch us jumped into action in all sorts of ways to help our neighbors and our community.

We teamed together with Epilogue Kitchen and Cocktails and distributed meals, water and masks to our neighbors that were without any resources.

This was the first cooler that we put out into the community with our offerings. It was filled with ready-to-eat foods, fruits and lots of beverages to promote hydration for our neighbors that were trapped in the smoke outside.

Free Fridge Salem is powered by radical love. Radical love to take care of one another and to be good neighbors through intentional care and offerings. We have formed relationships with our neighbors to really understand what their needs are and that’s how we give intentional care and offerings.

Free Fridge Salem started Soup Squad to offer intentional care. We believe that magic happens when goodness is handed from one person to another. It’s through soup squad that we have formed relationships with our neighbors and we have learned more about what their needs are on a weekly basis.

In 2020, we started the Radical Free Market which is a revolutionary market where all items are free and gifted. Community members bring their gently used goodies to gift away to one another and whatever is not taken is then removed by the community member that brought it. We have a food offering at the Radical Free Market and the laughter and good times are abundant on this joyous gathering of community. The Radical Free Market takes place on a month in the spring and summer months.