June schedule for Sandwich Squad
This is the June schedule for Sandwich Squad. If you'd like to help our neighbors in this way, please use the sign up page for Sandwich Squad which is on our bio page.
A current food handlers care is required to make food for squad and to serve food during squad. If you don't have a food handlers card, you can still participate in Sandwich Squad and we can find you something to do.
Sometimes the times may change for Sandwich Squad if there is a lack of participation.
If you have any questions about Sandwich Squad, please send us an email at freefridgesalem@gmail.com
ID: a blue background with blurred pink blossoms. there is white text that reads, Salem Sandwich Squad for the month of June 3:00-5:00pm. below that is a google drop down search bar and in the search is text that reads, coolest thing to do in Salem. underneath that it reads, saturday - 6/3 marion square monday - 6/12 wallace marine saturday 6/17 marion square monday 6/26 wallace marine and below all that is white text that reads, sign up link on bio page