The warehouse is closed!

Our very wonderful warehouse hosts would like to start more home projects and that means that the warehouse is officially closed so that they can use their own garage! 

We are so thankful to Sam and Kelly for hosting the warehouse for all this time and being so flexible with all the changes, and all the folks that have used the warehouse.

We are also excited to move away from having a central location and so we will not have another warehouse.

If you're a pantry or a fridge host, and you're not in the conversation about how we are moving forward with support, please send us an email at and we will get you in that conversation. We are in exploration of other ways that we can use the monetary donations we receive to continue to help support the pantries and fridges.

The Sandwich Squad things will be stored at a separate location.

The donations that are currently in the warehouse will be moved into the pantries and fridges. If you're interested in some of the shelving units, please send us an email.

If you're interested in making a non-expired shelf stable food donation, please put your donations directly into a pantry or a fridge. They can be found under the 'locations' tab.

Thanks for taking care of one another.

ID: a pale yellow background with a blue and purple squiggle shape in the center. in the middle of the squiggle shape is black text that reads, the warehouse is closed. there are little black sparkle shapes around the squiggle shape.


September Sandwich Squad


Radical Free Market